Sunday, May 30, 2010


HOLLLLYYYYY COOWWW! i have not updated this in YEArrrrs. well.. sorry!! haha I well put some more pictures up. I have had a few new things happen .... My soccer team was the champions in double A this season, it was awesome!! So we all moved up to triple AAA!:) pretty sweET. I love playin the piano and I play most of the time in Young Womens! Annie and I just finished a really good season of track at Lakeridge, and we did pretty good in the finals... well i think. haha Its finally summERR! Done with the 7th gradEE! now on to 8th!! I am going to get a group of friends and do tennis lessons again with annies neighbor, which will be waY fun:) im sooo excited. I made it onto student counciL and i am going to dixie college with everyone in a couple weeks! My family is going up to Aspen Grove really soon, my dad is speaking at it again. Its going to be a really fun summer!:)
- maliA.